Tip of the Day Tuesday! Don’t ‘get bugged’ this Summer!

cicada May 2016
17 year cicada

Dear Sisters,

Since today is the first official day of Summer, I am starting what I ‘intend’ to be a series of regular posts three times/week. Tip of the day Tuesday, Wellness Wednesday and Feel Good Friday.

My Purposes are to: Inform, share Natural alternatives (most of which will be plant-based) and Keep things simple. I will only share what has been working for me because everybody’s body is different. 

Welcome to Summer! For most of us that live in the United States, that means longer day’s, warmer days and…INSECTS!

If you are like most people, you dread them! You also try to avoid putting harmful chemicals on your skin to keep them away! I will never purchase anything that has ingredients that I can not pronounce. I strive to do the same thing with whatever I eat as well.

Because of my passion for PREVENTING diseases (and any situation that might be uncomfortable), I have found a solution that is plant-based. Most of my closest friends also know that I have a black-belt in bargain-hunting, so whatever I use has to be economical too! Which is one of many reasons WHY I LOVE essential oils! (This meme mentions 21 uses. I will share more of them in future blog posts)-which is one of many reasons why I LOVE essential oils! Stay tuned dear sisters!

YL What can you do with a 15 ml bottle of essential oil

My personal favorite is for repelling insects is…Purification oil!

Purification for the outdoors meme

I put one drop on my wrist before my husband and I go for our evening walk or go outside to pull weeds and the bugs no longer bug me!

Purchase yours today!

To purchase your Purification oil at the retail price, type in the code: 3918018.

If you would like to save 24% off future orders and qualify for additional bonuses and free offers, contact me at: dearsisterchris@gmail.com

Enjoy your day!


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