Desire or Fear-YOU Decide! What are you afraid of?


Dear Sisters,

Twice/year most people get motivated to make changes in their lives. At the beginning of the year, some of us get excited to make some changes in our lives. These changes usually involve making New Year’s Resolution to improve our diet by eating healthier and exercising. Some of might even be tempted to make resolutions that will help us improve our income-perhaps we have considered starting our own business and dreamed about firing our boss…

The second time we get motivated is in the Spring. As the snow begin’s to melt, the flowers start to grow and we see color again for the first time in several months. We start planning our vacation’s. Perhaps go on vacation during Spring break with our family. We might even be tempted to renew our New Year’s Resolutions so we can fit into last year’s bathing suit or go shopping for a new one…

Does this sound like you? If so, what is stopping you? I have one idea. The #1 thing that stop’s most people from taking action is…FEAR! What are we afraid of? Failure? The unknown? What other people will think of us? Are we afraid that we just might succeed?

ACTION is the antidote to fear! Is your DESIRE to succeed stronger than your fear of failure? To find some inspiration to help you decide, click here.

There are 3 things most successful people have: Passion! Consistency! Strategy!

Do you have them? Do you know where to go to get them? Are your DESIRE’s stronger than your FEAR’S?

What is the worst thing that could happen? You just might aim for the moon and land among the stars!

What are your desires? What will motivate you to take action and start living the life of your dreams? What will give you courage to take…ACTION?

definition of courage

Please share them in the comments below!

Enjoy your day!


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